
Brief introduction of my today´s interview partner:


When having an aspiring astronaut and visionary in an interview, as Adam Bader, who has shown already in young age his extraordinary performance in many different exciting projects, then a second part of his interview is quasi a must! Because…, there is so much more to share from his side!!!

He joined a couple of months ago beIN SPORTS in the USA and his goal is to help making it the biggest Sports Media Company in the US!

Speaking fluently four different languages, he is pleased to share here his secrets of success. One of them is resilience, and this he learned on the hard way in a harsh environment like Lybia, reigned by the dictatorship of Gaddafi, where he learned to be strong, especially mentally strong!

It is also very thought-provoking when following his view on the earth from a space perspective. “Looking on the earth from space one will not see any borders. The human race made borders and we are all the same. When you think about that way, you feel you can make any place your home. And people should realize, that we are living on one planet and should not kill each other” This is just another impressive statement, among many others, from this young gentleman.

And may be one may not wondering anymore that his biggest challenge was having a boss… 😉 There is really so much more to listen, besides the funny story when he was commentating via twitter the Champions League Final of Real Madrid and when he found himself suddenly amid of the pitch of Bernabeu, throwing his laptop away and celebrating Ramos´s last minute goal in front of 60.000 supporters or also, what he took along from an almost deadly car accident, where he experienced this flash when one will see in front of oneself all the things one liked in his life. I may just invite you with greatest pleasure to continue listening to this second part of the interview with this fascinating young character, it´s more than worth it, much more!!! A real firework of interesting and fascinating insights is waiting for you here!!!


Profile interview partner

Name: Adam Bader

Age: 28

Place of birth: Derna, Libya

Residence: Miami, FL/ USA

Marital status: Single

Children: None

Professional education: MBA in Sports Management

Current profession: Managing Editor of Digital for beIN SPORTS USA

Interests, hobbies: Reading, Football, movies, internet, video games, space travel, tech…

„Everything popular is wrong!

(Meaning: Don´t do something just because everyone else is doing it)

(Adam Bader)

No-no“ that he is unwilling to tolerate at all: Violence, people who are not open to other people/ cultures, close minded people


Professional career

With all his, already in young age, collected professional experience, Adam explains also quite well the difference between good leaders and managers…!

Can only encourage you listening to his interview and hope you enjoy this interview as I did! J

You may expect here as usual a shortened version of the interview part1 (32:13 min.) and the unabridged original version (35:30 min.). To get free access to the unabridged original version, simply click on the „VIP“ area and get your password. Then continue under „VIP“ in the corresponding podcast at minute 27:45, if you  want to avoid any repetition from the shortened version.


Content abridged podcast

In the abridged version of this interview (32:13 min.) you will hear amongst others about …

  • his goal making beIN SPORTS the biggest Social Media Company in the US
  • how he made it without any knowledge about space as a volunteer to Asteroid Days
  • how he made it to speak fluently 4 different languages
  • his factors of success, what he recommends others to become successfully
  • what everybody on this planet should be aware, when looking on it from a far distance
  • which person impressed him most in his career and why!
  • his biggest professional challenge
  • two funny stories at Bernabeu and with former Real Madrid players
  • how he takes care for team spirit in his team
  • what makes the difference between good leaders and managers from his perspective
  • how he is handling stress

Content unabridged original version

The unabridged original version in full length (35:30 min.) opens you additionally the opportunity to hear about…

  • why he likes travelling before taking big decisions
  • what quality of time means to him
  • which honourable wish he still has for his future

Subscribe for all interviews in their unabridged original version, access for free here!


Further links

Webpage Adam Bader:

Adam Bader Linkedin-Profile:


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Unabridged original version of the interview

Access for free: Click here to subscribe for the unabridged original version!


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